Motorcycle accidents happen in Texas and throughout the nation at an alarming rate. Every 6 minutes and 18 seconds, a motorcyclist sustains a severe injury somewhere in the country, according to motorcycle accident statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In addition, every 1 hour and 44 seconds, a motorcyclist dies in...
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Drunk Driving Deaths Remain a Big Problem in Texas
Far too many Texans are injured or die in alcohol-impaired car accidents. Drunk driving puts the lives of everyone on the road at risk. Data published by ValuePenguin shows that drunk driving is responsible for an estimated 1 in 3 traffic deaths in the U.S. Despite the push for awareness and prevention, new studies have...
Read More100 Deadliest Days of Summer: Teen Drivers Are at Risk
During the summer months, there are more young drivers on the road and an increased risk of car accidents involving teenage operators. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, fatal wrecks involving teen drivers increase by about 15% on average. The deadly period has been dubbed the "100 Deadliest Days of Summer," as teenage drivers (age...
Read MoreStudy Links Highway Fatality Messages To Rise in Car Accidents
It seemed like a good idea. Encourage drivers to stay safe on the roads through messages about road fatalities on digital highway signs. But a new study has found that these messages could be having the opposite effect. Researchers examined several years of crash and road-sign data from Texas. They found that in the 6.2...
Read MoreApril is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
When you get behind the wheel, it's your responsibility to focus on the road ahead In Texas and throughout the nation, April is recognized as Distracted Driving Awareness Month. And even though the dangers of distracted driving have been known for years, far too many drivers in Laredo and Webb County do it anyway—putting others...
Read MoreBroken Lights the Top Inspection Violations for Commercial Truck Drivers
A Texas truck accident lawyer explains other common truck inspection violations What’s the most common inspection violation for commercial truck drivers? Broken truck lights (headlights, taillights, etc.) tops the list of commercial truck inspection violations, according to statistics compiled by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). “Obviously, lights are important. They can go out...
Read MoreStudy: Commercial Truck Drivers Using Cocaine at Higher Rates
A truck accident lawyer in Laredo, TX explains how this impacts everyone's safety Commercial truck drivers use cocaine more than marijuana, according to a recent study, which contradicts earlier findings of drug use among truck drivers with a commercial driver’s license (CDL). “Federal law prohibits truck drivers from using illegal drugs, yet thousands are escaping...
Read MoreStudy Takes a Closer Look at Sources of Driver Distraction
Safe driving requires the full attention of the driver. When drivers take their eyes off the road, even if for only a few seconds, a lot can happen. A car can come to a sudden stop or make a quick turn. A pedestrian can walk into the street. The result is often a car accident...
Read MoreStudy: Texas Is the Worst State for Speeding Over the Past Decade
A Laredo Car Accident Lawyer Discusses the Problem Every motorist should know that speeding is dangerous. Still, far too many drivers in Texas insist on going well over the speed limit in unprecedented fashion. Speeding is among the most common causes of car accidents in Laredo. They are a major factor in rear-end accidents, rollovers,...
Read MoreTexas Had the Most Fatal Crashes Involving Young Drivers Over the Last Decade
A Laredo car accident lawyer discusses the problem Young drivers are less mature than other drivers, less experienced behind the wheel and are more likely to engage in risky behaviors on the road. So it’s not surprising that they are at a higher risk of causing car accidents that can leave people seriously injured. Sadly, in...
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