Forklifts are a common piece of workplace equipment for many Texas workers. Those employed in the manufacturing, distribution, retail and construction industries often find themselves needing to move large volumes of heavy cargo, which requires the assistance of a forklift. This necessary workplace equipment can, however, be very dangerous to workers, especially when used improperly...
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Side Guards Reduce Deadly Underride Risks in Texas Trucking Accidents
When it comes to your risk of being involved in a motor-vehicle collision, few scenarios are likely to be as injurious or deadly as a collision with a tractor-trailer. This is particularly true when a passenger vehicle, bicyclist or pedestrian ends up underneath a large commercial truck or trailer. Experienced truck accident attorneys in Texas...
Read MoreIncrease in Highway Fatalities Affects Laredo Drivers
Across the United States, traffic fatalities were on the rise in 2016, as highway driving continues to account for the vast majority of traffic accidents. Highway driving is incredibly dangerous in Texas, and a Laredo auto accident attorney can help injury victims assert their legal rights. We work diligently to hold negligent drivers accountable, not...
Read MoreHow Laredo Injury Victims Can Protect Their Legal Rights After a Bus Accident
The consequences of a bus accident can be life-altering for injury victims and their loved ones. Unfortunately, these life-altering consequences are also costly, and bus companies do not always carry sufficient coverage to fully compensate all victims for the full extent of their losses. A single bus accident can cause millions of dollars in damage...
Read MoreHow Truck Platooning Technology Can Make Laredo Roads Safer
Large truck accidents are a serious danger to other motorists, as well as bicyclists and pedestrians. Luckily, new and improving safety technologies hold the potential to reduce truck accident rates across the country. There are many factors that can cause truck accidents - and in most cases - they can be catastrophic. An experienced Laredo...
Read MoreHow Infrastructure Improvements Can Reduce Truck Accidents in Laredo reports that the United States has more than three times as many traffic fatalities per capita than Sweden or the United Kingdom. In fact, the U.S. has nearly the highest number of traffic fatalities of any high-income nation. Why is this? Research suggests that improvements in roadway maintenance and infrastructure can reduce the number...
Read MoreCómo una Empresa de Camiones puede ser Legalmente Responsable de Causar un Accidente de Camión
Los accidentes de camiones matan a miles de estadounidenses cada año, cientos de ellos ocurren en Texas. Según el Instituto de Seguros para la Seguridad en las Carreteras, los accidentes de camiones fatales alcanzaron su nivel más bajo en 2009. Sin embargo, a medida que la economía se fue recuperando y los estadounidenses volvían a...
Read MoreTruck Fatalities Plague Texas Roads
Truck accidents kill thousands of Americans every year, hundreds of those in Texas. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, fatal truck accidents hit a record low in 2009. However, as the economy recovered and Americans hit the road again, these numbers began to climb once more. Truck accident fatalities in Laredo and nationally...
Read MoreCurbing Laredo Truck Accidents Goal of ELD Mandate
Advocates for reducing the risk of trucking accidents in Texas are hailing a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to decline review of a petition against a new federal mandate requiring electronic log devices on all large trucks. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association asked the court to consider its argument against the mandate, which is...
Read MoreDisposiciones sobre Apnea del Sueño Buscan Reducir Accidentes de Camiones en Texas
Un reciente juicio sobre un accidente de camión alegó que un transportista comercial de Dallas y su conductor de un camión de 18 ruedas fueron negligentes después de un accidente que se informa fue causado cuando el conductor se quedó dormido y chocó por atrás a un coche de pasajeros. Esto ocasionó lesiones graves a...
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