The closest you want to come to a rollover accident is watching a chase scene in a movie. Veteran drivers of Interstates 35 and 69W in Laredo have seen many - the aftermath, anyway - during slow crawls past accident scenes. Most rollovers happen when a driver loses control of the vehicle, which tends to...
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Laredo Car Accidents Caused by Wheel Runoffs: An Attorney Discusses
They can happen on Interstates 35, 69W, and other major roadway in Laredo. When wheels become detached, drivers lose control of their vehicles, especially at high speeds. Wheel runoff accidents can be catastrophic. They can result in lane-departure accidents, head-on collisions, T-bone accidents, and rear-end accidents. Vehicles can roll over, veer off the road, and/or crash into stationary...
Read MoreWhat To Do If You Have Suffered A Brain Injury After A Laredo Car Accident: An Attorney Explains
You were just struck by another driver in Laredo, Texas. If you didn’t lose consciousness, you may have noticed a bump on your head. You don’t think much of it. But days later, you become disorientated. Other unusual symptoms start to set in. You’re not yourself. What’s going on? You may have sustained a traumatic...
Read MoreLow Levels Of Alcohol Impairment Can Still Cause Laredo Car Accidents
With many drivers in Laredo traveling around Thanksgiving, it is likely that traffic accidents will occur, many of which will involve alcohol impairment. From 2012 to 2016, there were more than 800 road deaths across the US during the Thanksgiving holiday. But drunk driving in Laredo isn’t just a problem confined to the holidays. According to the Texas Department of...
Read MoreAccident Risks at Intersections in Laredo
Intersections can be the most dangerous areas for drivers in Laredo. When vehicles cross at multiple lanes, in four different directions, it only takes one wrong maneuver to cause an accident. When pedestrians and bicyclists are thrown into the mix, intersections accidents can be especially dangerous. Where the danger exists According to the National Safety Council (NSC),...
Read MoreBig Rigs in Texas Cited for Safety Violations
In some ways, the percentage of 18-wheelers pulled over for various violations and taken off Texas roads during one June weekend this year - 25 percent - seems staggering. But, with some thought, maybe it's not. What the annual spot checks found We see those big rigs roar past us most every day, appearing to...
Read MoreTexas Among Most Dangerous States for Driving
You see them every day on the roads of Texas: dangerous drivers. It could be someone speeding on Interstate 35, Highway 83, Route 59 or Texas State Highway 359. It could be the person who runs a red light in Laredo. It could be the motorist driving erratically in Webb County because they are either...
Read MoreInjury Lawsuits After Hit-And-Run Accidents in Laredo
According to AAA, hit-and-run collisions have led to a record number of traffic deaths nationwide, and Texas is one of the deadliest states in the nation. AAA reports a hit-and-run crash now occurs every minute on U.S. roads. Nearly 700,000 of these crashes were reported last year - and nearly two-thirds of those killed were...
Read MoreBetter Roadway Infrastructure Can Prevent Elderly Driver Accidents in Laredo
Senior citizens face certain increased dangers on the roadway. The normal effects of aging - such as hearing and vision loss and decreased response times - make it more difficult to safely complete routine driving tasks. Research has identified changes that can make vehicles and roadways safer for use by elderly drivers. This, in turn,...
Read MoreMost Laredo Drivers Allow Themselves to Become Distracted
Distracted driving is responsible for a large portion of Laredo car accidents. It is a problem that has been the subject of much media attention in recent years. Public safety campaigns, print media coverage, and even plot lines of popular television shows revolve around the dangers associated with distracted driving. In spite of these well-known...
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